Download link:
“User sessions” (right click) -> “New session”
In Session settings:
- Click SSH
- Remote host: (
- Specify username: ese-liangll
- Press OK
- Copy and Paste password (You won’t see the password on the screen)
- Press either Yes/No
If you see it as below, congrats, you have successfully connect to Taiyi supercomputer!
For more information on Taiyi, please refer to
[ese-liangll@login02 ~]$ cd /work/ese-liangll/CESM2.1.3/my_cesm_sandbox/cime/scripts/
[ese-liangll@login02 scripts]$ ./create_newcase –case /data/ese-liangll/CESM2.1.3/cases/newtest_TA –compset FHIST_BGC –res f09_f09_mg17 –mach sustechliangll
Change run options: do monthly run for 12 months
Change computation requirement: total tasks = 240 cores
Check the running requirements
Note: make sure to read taiyi user manual and attend training as a beginner.
Do preview run to check the requirement to run the case.
Type the following statements. Note: you may need to change the case name with your own.
bsub -J newtest_TA -q medium -n 240 -R “span[ptile=40]” -W 12:00 -o stdout_%J.out -e stderr_%J.err ./case.submit
[ese-liangll@login02 newtest_TA]$ chmod 740
[ese-liangll@login02 newtest_TA]$ ./
Now you have submit the job and CESM2 should be running after waiting in the queue.
Note: Check the queue using bqueues
Note: Check the queue using bqueues
CESM model structure on Taiyi
Additional information on CESM2
Model infrastructure and technical notes
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